Nikolski is considered to be the most archeologically important site in Alaska and is the oldest continually inhabited site in North America. There is evidence that Aleuts have been living in the exact village site for over 4,000 years and in the bay for 9,000 years. There are middens, graves mounds, bones, and artifacts everywhere. Most of the houses are built atop of older dwellings. As I walked around the village I would accidentally kick up old fish and seal bones.
The houses are mostly modern, but traditional Aleut sunken houses with sod and driftwood roofs are still standing. You can also see the traditional sweat houses. Everyone lives a subsistence life style which includes caribou, salmon, halibut, seals, sea otters, clams, and wild plants.
Yet with all this history and tradition the first day I walked into the tribal offices everyone was logged on and playing World of Warcraft. In one corner there was a Night Elf priestess. In the other a female dwarf warrior. While one person was trying to find out if her friend from South America was logged on yet. They had a pillaging appointment. It was surreal. Nikolski is truly a place where the new meets the old.
In the picture you can see where the wind had blown out sections of a derelict house, exposing the old spring bed and other house furnishings from the early 1900’s. You can also see the Chaluka Hotel in the background. It was the comfortable double wide where I have spent many a windy night.
Interesting picture! Happy WW!
Love the history! Great pic. TV dish and an abandoned home. reat composition. Thanks for sharing it all with us. D :)
that is a wonderful photo!!
Very interesting!!! Great photo.
I also like your post about things you learned from marriage. Very insightful :).
P.S. My beloved husband is also a civil engineer.
Cool picture!
We just started the 2nd of the scavenger hunt over at Amys random thoughts..Over 90 people are playing and we have some cool prizes..Its easy, fun and hopefully low stress..Hope you will join in!
I love this picture. Very interesting...
I am enjoying your blog! THanks for checking out mine!
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