This picture cracks me up. Several years ago, I took William on a Father & Son campout with our church. We all camped in the hay flats around Hope, Alaska. We did some fishing that night for pink salmon or humpies. It is pretty easy to see how they got that name. In most cases they turn ugly as soon as they reach freshwater. We were still in the tidal area of Resurrection Creek when this one was caught. It was William’s first close encounter with a humpy and he was none too interested. The next day we decided to go hiking instead.
gosh! that's my hubby's dream to go fishing in alaska...too bad, we don't have any son (yet) to do it with him as a father and son...great photo capture...he looks like he's really afraid of that fish!lol!
that is definitely wordless--worth a thousand words. LOVE IT
He had no idea that aliens really do live on this planet!
I think I would have the same reaction :) Great picture!
Happy WW!
Jessica The Rock Chick
Not a very pretty fish!
Happy WW - mines up at Any Apples
Nice picture.
Happy WW.
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